I just bought this computer and don't want to download anything, regardless of how secure anyone says, so CC Cleaners is kinda out for me. I don't know where they came from, which led me to be paranoid, uninstall and reinstall the Sims 4, wipe my computer completely, and uninstall all programs, and it was still there. I havent downloaded much of anything from the gallery in so long, and this came right after i installed Realm of Magic. So the problem: I didn't download any cc. They don't have the same maxis texture either. I have these cc eyebrows in my game, or at least I assume they're cc, considering that the thumbnail is redish eyebrows while all the maxis ones are black. The neat and groomed appearance, coupled with a well-suited low arch, enhances the model’s sweet and bright-eyed charm.
These brows, when adorning the faces of toddlers, possess a remarkable thickness that captivates the eye. My filters have always been set to not allow custom content, and whenever I have downloaded sims from Deligracy on the gallery, nothing has ever crept through, until recently. In summary, Eyebrows N68 by Seleng epitomizes a bold and commanding statement in the realm of custom content. Okay, so I've been playing the Sims 4 on the same computer for well over a year, and I've never downloaded custom content.